Investment readiness
Financial Forecast Models
We work with you to build financial models so you can better understand your business and how your revenue generators work and talk confidently to potential investors. This can range from forecast revenue models to help early stage startups through to full three statement models.
Pitch Decks
Having worked in both startups and in investment we are experts at conveying your message effectively and getting investors interested. We can build you a compelling pitch deck from scratch. Or if you have an existing deck we can review, give feedback and potentially edit it for you.
Investment Pitch Practice Sessions
We can give you valuable experience of pitching to investors. Have a dummy run with us to refine your investment meeting skills. You will get feedback on the deck, model (if appropriate) and messaging. Following feedback, you have the chance to do a second run.
Equity finance: We present you to equity investors, including angels, venture capital funds and family offices, as appropriate. (No up-front fee.)
Other services
Debt finance: We can connect you to a wide range of debit finance options.
Invoice finance: We can help you source both general invoice finance and specific invoice finance.
Grant finance: We can connect you to the experts on securing grants.
R&D tax credits: We can help you with R&D tax credit claims and potentially arrange loans against audited R&D tax claims.
Business mentoring: We can help you get clarity on what your business is about.
Advisory roles: James and Daniel are available to act as advisors or non-executive directors. (Rates negotiable.)
Part-time CFO: Daniel is available as a part-time CFO to help elevate your business. (Rates on request.)